Totally captivated in 2007 by the live camera feed of the Hornby Island nesting Bald Eagles in B.C., I was drawn into birding and have never looked back. Thus begins my account of what I'm fortunate enough to discover each day and perhaps capture with my camera.

Unless otherwise stated, all images were taken by and are the property of Janice Melendez

Species Counts:

2014 Final Year List: 255; 2015 Year List a/o June 5, 2015: 235; Life List: 327

Monday, September 5, 2011

I'll Show ALL of You!!

Okfine, so what if it's been nine days since my show-off sibling fledged from the nest, blahblahblah. I prefer to keep everyone guessing as to when I'll make my first leap!

It was the morning of Tuesday, August 16th when that nutso Car Lady showed up yet again. Big Bro was already gone for the day out of the nest I hate him, and for some reason, Car Lady paid more attention to mom than me, whassup with that??

Of course maybe it had something to do with the fact that us late-bloomers are on the shy side, but the Car Lady finally tossed me a fish bone and took a portrait of me:

But then I watched her in her car for a while, and she really seemed quite bored with things, as neither mom nor I were doing too much on the nest, I guess even my branching skills weren't enough for her.

So what's a babe to do?? I was fed up with all of the peer pressure from the other nests in the area, all of those babies had already fledged, putting tremendous pressure on me now. Mom was constantly giving me the hairy  feathery eyeball, and dad couldn't even look me in the eye when he graced us with his presence for a three second food drop (I swear he was refusing to debone my meals just to force me out of the nest, jeeeez). My older sibling was totally ashamed of me, saying I was such a big baby, his words cut me to the quick...

So I made my big move before anyone knew it, that Car Lady was totally asleep at the the wheel when I silently took off from the branch, I showed her, she wasn't even ready with her camera!! It was precisely 9:04 a.m. EST, exactly nine days later than my older sibling's fledge date. 

But then I kinda blew it, as I freaked out, screaming my head off for what was my first ever landing, whoohooo! Car Lady came alive and was able to barely get her act together for a few photos of my wobbly landing, although she could have done a lot better, IMHO:

Phew, now that was exciting, and mom even seem pleased with me, but I needed to get my heart rate down:

Suddenly I realized that dad had been watching from above, so I yelled out to him as he flew by:

...and in typical fashion, he didn't even grace me with his presence as he kept on flying over me, grrrrr:

And to add insult to injury, the Car Lady eventually left!! I think it was her day to return to the city to help out those sick, injured, and orphaned critters at some wildlife centre in Toronto, so I forgave her for ditching me after my first ever flight.

But did she really have to waste her time on passerines on her way home???? Okfine, admittedly, Cedar Waxwings were out in droves by the beach, and they do have a certain je ne sais quoi about them, but did they really have to pick today to steal my thunder??

Stupid Cedar Waxling even manages to trump my fledge day by doing its Chicken Dance for the Car Lady, she totally falls for it:

The older Cedar Waxwings are kinda plain and boring, I prefer my dramatic black and white colour to their drab brown and yellow:

Speaking of which, that cute, little first fall Black-and-white girlie Warbler was still hangin' out at the beach:

But Car Lady got hers in the end, as a mystery flycatcher high up in a tree apparently ticked her off, as she wasn't really sure what kind it was. She was guessing it was a Least Flycatcher because the sucker was flicking its tail, but she really didn't know for sure and was freaking out because someone called Master John (???) was going to be off the radar for a bit and I guess he's her go-to guy when she hits the wall on what's what.

So all in all, it was an awesome first flight day for me, especially the part where I fooled absolutely everyone with my timing, hah!! I showed them!

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