Totally captivated in 2007 by the live camera feed of the Hornby Island nesting Bald Eagles in B.C., I was drawn into birding and have never looked back. Thus begins my account of what I'm fortunate enough to discover each day and perhaps capture with my camera.

Unless otherwise stated, all images were taken by and are the property of Janice Melendez

Species Counts:

2014 Final Year List: 255; 2015 Year List a/o June 5, 2015: 235; Life List: 327

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ring-billed, errr, I mean Ring-NECKED Duck!

My recent close encounters with winter ducks have brought back fond memories of time well spent a year ago along the Toronto lakeshore with a cooperative male Ring-necked Duck. 

He was easily recognized by the white ring around his bill rather than the cinnamon ring around his neck that is difficult to see:

I was shocked to see him parading  around on the ice during my first visit!

Not overly graceful, he made his way back into the water:

Needless to say, I returned a couple of weeks later and this time he came right up to me:

His cinnamon ring around the neck can be easily seen now: 

A very brief preening session ended almost as soon as it began:


Again, his cinnamon collar is visible but from a distance it's almost always a challenge to see:

His yellow-orange eye reflected nicely in the water: 

Taking a sip of Lake Ontario water, eeek!

The white shoulder spurs in front of his wings are another distinguishing field mark: 

Another sip of water:

Water droplets fall from his bill:

But it wasn't only about this handsome boy ACTUALLY, IT WAS, WHO ARE YOU KIDDING , there were other back-up birds for the day, including a pretty Mallard:

A dripping Mute Swan:

My only flight shot, to date, of an American Wigeon:

The Red-winged Blackbirds were back in full force (remember that this was a year ago):

The Toronto skyline, which no doubt has changed over the past year:

A bouncy Bufflehead:

A Gadwall on land:

But for sure the star of the day, and perhaps even for all of last winter was this Ring-billed necked Duck, I've missed him this year!

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