Last year at the cottage saw several close encounters with Turkey Vultures, beginning in June...
...and again in July:
By early September the fall colours in the Kawarthas were already impressive, so off I went at dawn one morning:
But it was while exploring a new area along a winding road that I made a discovery:
A Turkey Vulture roost!
A cast of Turkey Vultures.
A committee of Turkey Vultures.
A meal of Turkey Vultures.
A wake of Turkey Vultures.
I wasn't sure how spooked these gregarious goofs would be by my presence but I soon learned it wasn't an issue as they continued with their fascinating morning routine:
Mouth stretches:
More mouth stretches:
More scratching:
Warming up:
More preening:
More preening:
More mouth stretches:
Balancing, before heading out to cruise for dead stuff:
Making room for more dead stuff teehee:
Drying wings by facing the morning sun:
Watching one's neighbour...
...and then deciding to distance oneself from one's neighbour:
Checking out new visitors to the roost:
And so it began, my love affair with these characters, to be continued...